Email Fragments
What are Email Fragments?
Email Fragments are small sections of information that can be included in your Email and sent to the recipient. In more technical terms, an Email Fragment is an HTML snippet that is designed to be inserted into one or more Emails. The Email Fragment can include links to other documents, and is often used instead of an email attachment. This is because email attachments are not supported in Emails for compliance reasons.
Email fragments are useful if you have a specific piece of content you want to use on multiple emails. If more than one fragment is available, the sender will typically select the appropriate fragment(s). One example could be an Email for a product but with two different use cases (A & B). If the email recipient needs information on the first use: case A, the sender would include the specific fragment for only case A. Now this fragment will only be visible in Case A and not in Case B. It is also possible to attach several fragments to one email.
How to create Email Fragments?
Activator Designer is the only role that currently can create Email Fragments. If you are an Editor, you can instead, create an Email Fragment placeholder in Veeva Vault Promomats. When the Email Fragment placeholder has been created in Vault, you will be able to edit it using Activator if you're a content editor,.
Creating the Email Fragment placeholder
Login to Veeva Vault Promomats and press ‘Create’ in the top right corner. In the overlay select Placeholder and press ‘Continue’.

Pick Email Fragment as the placeholder
Type in Email Fragment in the search and select Email Fragment from the dropdown list and click Next.

Add the meta data
Add the relevant meta data for your Email Fragment and press ‘Save’.
The meta data fields are dependent on how you create Email Fragments in your organization. If you are unsure what meta data to put in, please get in contact with the Veeva Partner or Activator Champion in your organization.

Take a note of the Email Fragment Document ID
Veeva Vault Promomats will automatically take you to the newly created Email Fragment.
Make sure to take a note of the document ID. In this example the ID is 22483. The ID is also visible in the browser URL and will look something like this:

Associate the Email Fragment with your Approved Email
Find your Approved Email in Veeve Vault Promomats by using the search menu. In the Approved Email Related Email Fragment dropdown, press the small + icon to add a related Email Fragment to the Approved Email.

Type in the Email Fragment Document ID and make sure that you check the box to add the relationship.

How to use Email Fragments?
You are now ready to work with the Email Fragment in Activator. Go to the Activator Dashboard and type in the Email Fragment name or the Document ID that you noted down from Veeva Vault Promomats. Notice that, if you use the document ID in the search, Activator will find just that one Email Fragment you have just created.
When Activator opens up the Email Fragment for the first time, it will ask you to associate the Email Fragment with the preferred Design System. You will also have the chance to populate the Email Fragment with an existing template from the Design System. If there's no templates available, or if you simply want to create the Email Fragment from scratch, then choose the Blank option.
Once you are through this process, you will be inside the Content Editor. From the Editor you can assemble and edit your Email Fragment as you would with any other document type. Pick and choose from the available Layouts and/or Helpers, edit them as per required and associate them with Modular Content.
When you're done assembling your Email Fragment remember to Publish it to Veeva Vault Promomats!

Test email Fragment
Attached email fragments will not be shown when previewing the test email. You can test email fragments by opening them individually and sending tests.
Step 1: Add the email fragments to your email template, click on the ‘setting’ icon, then click the ‘Edit fragment’ option.

Step 2: Once the email fragment is opened in another window, click on preview, then click ‘Send a Test’. Add an email address and click on ‘send’.

Step 3: Go to your email and check how it appears in the email client.

Email Fragments can only be placed in a single location of each Email Template and the token should be strategically placed at the end of a layout.
The iPad Veeva CRM end user can select any amount of available fragments in their email and they will be displayed according to the order in which they were selected.
If a user attaches an email fragment to an email and the “product” field is changed later on, the fragment will still remain attached to that Email. regardless it’s product.
Email fragments can be connected to several emails and if an email fragment is altered, it will affect all linked emails. You can use the “Where Used” function to check where else it is being used.
If you are not the owner or editor of an email fragment, you can not update the fragment. These permissions are set up in Veeva Vault.