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Guidelines: Custom Report Screenshots for nested popup states.

The challenge: 

If you have a slide with nested popups the different states will not appear in the generated PDF reports.

Suggested Workaround:

Report states can be set manually in the script.js file of a slide. It needs to set by a developer and looks like this:

if (window.Fusion) {
  console.log('Adding custom report states');
  window.Fusion.reportStates = [
    ['Popup-pop1', 'ReferencePopup-refs']


In the above example there would be three screenshots:

  1. Slide without active states

  2. Slide with popup open

  3. Slide with reference popup inside popup open in #2

This overwrites the default automatic handling of states when taking screenshots for report. In other words, it’s important to maintain the manual report states if continuing to work with the slides and adding more states.

We will build on this solution in the future so that the manual settings can be handled via Activator UI.

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