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Vault preparation



What are the parts of a CLM project?

A CLM project will be constituted by Shared Resources, Slides and Binders. Shared Assets contain common information, assets and styles used by a project. Slides contain the marketing information your project wants to convey and binders are collections of slides that allow the content to be grouped. Shared resources are connected by a relationship to slides, while slides are directly added to Binders.

Are LMR documents separated from CLM content?

Yes. Legal, Medical and Regulatory documents require a more complex life cycle than CLM content as the review and modification of files need the involvement of many stakeholders. Feel free to check with your Vault administration team to know which life cycle, document type and metadata your LMR documents need.

How do I access Vault?

No matter which Vault environment you need to access, you can always use your credentials to start working in Vault by loging in at

Has my account been locked?

Due to certain security criteria, your account can be locked, for example, after several unsuccessful login attempts. You can try to unlock it by following the instructions on screen or by contacting your Veeva Vault Administrators.

How do I get a new password?

There's an option to change the password once you have logged in by clicking in your profile name and accessing your profile information. There will be an option to change your password. If you have been unable to access your account, feel free to use the "Forgot Password?" link in the login screen and follow the instructions. You will receive an email with a link to effectively change your password.

How do I copy a project?

Copying a project requires to first copy all the elements of the project (Shared Resources, Slides and Binders) and later make the new relationships and links between the copied material.

What's a state?

A state is an specific moment in a Vault document Lifecycle. Depending on the state, certain options will be available. Also, and specially for multichannel content, the states can also represent a level of availability for distribution.

What's a Sandbox?

A sandbox is an environment used for testing content. There could be Vault Sandboxes, as also Veeva CRM Sandboxes. A sandbox is refreshed every certain time and is not intended to capture information or to be used in the field.

What's a component?

In Vault, a component is a document type that's a graphical asset, originally part of a project. These could be logos, images, etc. Vault Components can be used in Activator.

What's LMR?

LMR stands for Legal Medical and Regulatory, and refers to the approval process required by the legal framework of each country for an specific piece of content.

What's a binder?

A binder is a collection of objects in Vault. Some Binders have specific lifecycles and therefore perform an function beyond Vault, for example Multichannel Presentations.

What's a slide?

A slide is the main basic unit of content in digital detailing. It's the same concept used in presentation software like PowerPoint or pages on a PDF or Word  document

What's a shared resource?

A shared resource is an specific type of multichannel slide that provides a common cache of material for multiple slides. They are not made to specifically show any content, but they store material used by numerous slides, optimizing loading and synchronization times.

What´s an asset?

An asset is a generic term related to graphical material used in a project. In Vault, Assets can be uploaded for Email Templates as Zip packages in each Template page.

What's an Email Template?

An Email Template is a predesign email message containing relevant information about an specific topic. Approved Email allows email templates to be customizable.

What's a Fragment?

A fragment is a piece of HTML inserted in an Email Template. Email Fragment are pieces that the Veeva CRM user can integrate into their communication with HCPs. Template Fragments are pieces that can be used across different templates, for example headers or footers.

How do I manage relationships?

Relationships are connections between documents. Some of these are managed automatically by the system. For example, if you make a copy, the new document will have a "Based on" relationship active, connecting it to the original material. Following our previous example, in relationships you always have an origin document (where the relationship is visible in the metadata) and a target document (where the relationship is visible by clicking on the "where used" button). Relationships can also be created manually, and the two most common are Linked documents (used for references, in which the target document creates an specific anchor, targeting a position between both documents), and Other Related Documents (used to connect relevant documents, like LMR documents)

What's a Storyboard?

A storyboard is a document created by a creative agency or an internal marketing department to describe and represent visually each part of a project. A storyboard will have a finalized look and feel and copy, and usually is used as an LMR document given it's degree of rugosity and description.

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