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Release 2.0.0

Release Version


Release Date

Previous Version

Release 2.1.2

Pre-Releases within this Minor cycle


Activator v2.0.0 is a major version release of the product that includes a full UI revamp and many new features and ways of working.

All of the new features require a Shared Resource upgrade, and this will need to be a manual update from a SR v1.x to the new v2.0.0.

Activator still supports the use of 1.x SR and content by using the legacy functionality and Designer.

The label SHARED RESOURCE indicates that the change is done in the Shared Resource, which requires the Shared Resource to be upgraded.

New Features

Designer and Editor


There is a division of two modes for working with documents in Activator intended to be used by the Content Designer and Content Editor roles.

Designer: Able to use all the different functions, settings and configurations that Activator offers. Intended for skilled users who will be designing and creating new content and structures.

Editor: Restricted mode for more standard users, where only simple configurations and changes can be made. Some features are not enabled in this mode.

Note that as of this 2.0.0 version, both modes are available to all vault user roles. This will be changed in upcoming releases, so there will be a clear definition and division of the different roles.

Editor is not available for documents using the 1.x SR version.

Brief type document

New document type that can be created and used within Activator. Intended for web content. Similar to a Slide in terms of configurations and features, main difference is that there is not a defined height for the document.



A Layout is a row or block of predefined content structure that can contain images, editable fields and basic dynamic properties (add new list item, etc). It can be saved and reused across the same SR and same document type.

Layouts can be reordered within the Editor.

Can only be created and saved in Designer, so Editors can easily use them across different documents.



A Helper is a Layout that has had content set and properties changed by a Content Editor or Content Designer. It can be saved in the Helpers Pane and reused in various documents across the same SR.

Helpers can be saved and used in Editor and Designer mode.



A Note is a comment that a Content Editor can place onto a Layout. It has an icon that appears on the Layout, and when clicked it shows the original comment.

Notes can be created, edited, moved or deleted in both Designer and Editor modes.

Content Modules and fields


Activator now can use the Veeva Promomats Content Modules as approved content in documents. These can be applied to elements in the document that have been sets as Fields by the Content Designer.

Each of the Fields will be shown by Layout and can be either Mandatory or Optional. Optional Fields can be hidden in Editor if not needed for a particular document.

Content Modules get imported to the document and one Content module can be used per Layout. Each Field in the layout could then get a Content Module Asset applied to it.

Medical Legal Regulatory Review (MLR)


With the Content Modules, comes also the new MLR mode. This mode will compare each layout and its applied CM assets to easily show what elements in the Layout contain approved, modified or unapproved content.

This review can be printed in a PDF report for easy review and check.

Responsive Design and Breakpoints


Activator now supports the creation of responsive content and can work with different breakpoints configured in the SR.

The SR will define if the documents using it will be Responsive or Not Responsive.

Non Responsive content will basically work like 1.x content, whereas Responsive content can be used across the different breakpoints and will react to them. Recommended approach is to always create content using Responsive design.

For Slides and Briefs the configurable breakpoints are: Desktop, iPads (3 types) and Mobile.

For Emails, the breakpoints are: Desktop and Email.


Main dashboard

Improved document cards and interaction with them and their options. Now it is easy to see what type of document they are via the details in the card and the thumbnail they are showing.

Easy access to the different filters including custom ones, and to different views for My Documents, Vault Cart, Favorites and the different document types (Briefs, Emails, Slides, Binders and Shared Resources)

Create & Duplicate Wizards

Wizards that take the user through the creation process of new documents and selection of the desired SR or through the duplication of a document.

Publishing process

Improvements on how the publish occurs and the steps it goes through to create improved thumbnails and document renditions in Vault.

Settings popup

Popup that can be accessed through different ways inside Activator to see the details and edit metadata of a document. Added more information from the document and a preview of the document. Binders will show a carousel of images for all the documents inside.

Possibility to access other functions from this popup, like the Where Used, Duplication and Open in Vault.

Navigate Tree in Designer


Better way to see the different elements in a document and select the different levels of containers and states.

Components and properties


Improved components functionality with extra properties for additional customization. Properties are now showing in groups and ordered, so its easy to find them and work with them.

Drag and drop feature to include components into the document.

Included different types of units for the properties and configurations.

Added properties needed for responsive design.

Media Library

Changes on how media assets work in the documents.

Possibility to drag and drop media assets into the image/video components.

Included option to use different image assets for different breakpoints.

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