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Release 2.2.0

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Release 2.1.2

Patch Releases within this Minor cycle

Activator v2.2.0 is a minor version release of the product that includes bug fixes, new features and improvements all around the system.

The label SHARED RESOURCE indicates that the change is done in the Shared Resource, which requires the Shared Resource to be upgraded.

New Features

Shared Resources

From now on the Shared Resource version will be pushed to Vault once a SR is created or (re)published. The version can then be found on the Vault document page under “Activator”.



It is now possible to add a background image to a Row component in an Email document. The background image will be responsive in the compiled email version.

We added a HTML tag to the Email Designer so users can add custom code, like f. ex. address tokens for broadcast emailers.

Designer & Components


It is now possible to change the parent of an element in the Navigate tab in the left side-panel of the Designer. Elements can be moved and repositioned via drag and drop.

Overflow options (visible/hide) were added for the Inline Slideshow component. It will enable users to hide animations while switching between different Inline Slideshow states.

A new switch (“Allow Layouts”) was introduced to the Settings tab of the Column component. Once a Column is marked as “Allow Layouts = true”, it is now possible to drag and drop a layout into it. This allows users to create Slide templates with multiple areas that contain layouts which can be bound to Modular Content. The flag must be set to active in the Designer. Layouts can then be added in the Editor.

In addition to setting the text-direction on component-level, it is now possible to set the text-direction on document level.

Media Library

The possibility to filter by Status was added to our filter in the Media Library. It is now also possible to search for “CDN assets only”.

We previously extended the Vault filters in the Media Library by adding a filter to search for digitally published media files only. In order for this to work when uploading assets, we now added a “Digital Publishing” checkbox to the component form that will pop up when adding media files to the Media Library.

Dashboard & Notifications

A new notification for downloads was added. The notification will pop up after a download, f. ex. a PDF report, was triggered and inform the user that the file is being generated. Once done, a success message will pop up providing the download link. In the meantime, it is possible to continue working on the document.

We added a popup which will be displayed for cases in which it is not possible to delete a document, in order to provide the user with adequate information as to why it cannot be deleted; f. ex. a Shared Resources cannot be deleted unless no document is using it and other documents might not be deleted depending on permissions or client configurations.

Veeva CRM Desktop Online App

Some core SR services were adjusted in order to make the Veeva CRM app work for Windows. These adjustments include: updating “environment-detector” to detect that Windows app is used, updating “veeva-data” and “queryRecord” to skip fields that cannot be accessed and adding a script for custom styles for the Preview mode.


Shared Resources

The “Publish” button on a Shared Resource page now displays that there are unpublished changes if assets were added to the SR, Slide fragments were changed, Layouts were created or updated and Helpers were created, updated or deleted.

Emails and Email Fragments


The option to toggle full section width on Row containers in Email documents was removed. Full section width can still be set up in the Layout container settings.

Colors that are defined in the Shared Resource are now reflected correctly in the color options (Style tab / Quill) in the Editor / Designer.

The label / type for Email fragments is now titled correctly as “Email Fragment”. This was added in all places the document label is displayed, f. ex. document cards in the dashboard, search results, duplication modals etc.

Designer & Components


The drop-down for the Layout group name in the ‘Create’ and ‘Update Layout’ modal was updated so that the list now extends beyond the borders of the modal, ensuring that all options are visible.

The saving process for layouts was improved, so that it is no longer possible to save a new layout using the same name already used for another one - which used to overwrite the original layout in the past. Error messages are in place to make users aware that a layout with the same name already exists.

In order to prevent getting outdated thumbnails for Layouts due to the generate thumbnail service running after publish, we are now loading the thumbnail from the S3 preview bucket and included a fallback dummy thumbnail informing the user that the real thumbnail is being rendered.

The color picker popup is no longer sticky and opens up based on and aligned to the browser window size.

In order to further improve the color picker we updated a few functionalities. Users can now change values and opacity directly via the fields in the Style panel instead of having to open the color picker popup. Further, the top box in the color picker now always shows the color value without reflecting the selected opacity and when changing the color from 0% opacity, it automatically switches to 100%.

The width of the Slide Fragment placeholder was changed to 100% in order to make it possible to have full width in a responsive design.


The Navigate tab from the left side-panel in the Designer is now also visible in the Editor. It currently only shows the Binder sub-tab as we are still in the process of discovering the possibility of a layout tree-view for the Editor.

The Interactions panel is now also visible in the right side-panel of the Editor when in edit mode. Differences to its functionality in the Designer: the “Set by Selected” only works for Fields in a Layout and the Interaction icon shows on the element in the Fields tab. Only available for Slide and Brief documents.

The States panel from the Designer is now also visible in the right side-panel in the Editor so that popups and states can be toggled from there.

Translation Files

The toast messages and processes that are triggered when generating and applying Excel and xliff translation files were unified so that these now work the same way for all document types.

Media Library


In case a component has multiple media properties, f. ex. image and video components, it is now possible to define media properties as “secondary” in the SR. A secondary media property will be excluded from the popup that is currently displayed when adding a file from the Media Library to the document in order to choose which property the files should get applied to.

A new multi-select design was added to the Status field in the Media Library filter.

The Media Library now detects if a user is trying to upload a media asset that is bigger than the size limit (2 MB). In that case, a notification will be displayed informing the user about the size limitations.

Dashboard & Filters

The empty “Recent documents” state was changed so that it now shows the ‘create document’ cards in order to make our Dashboard more user-friendly and offer further actions. We also updated the ‘create document’ card illustrations with a new design.

We are now displaying Activator instead of Vault document types in the filter in the Dashboard.

The ‘document type’ was added as an additional filter option in the ‘Add to Binder' modal. Users can only filter for document types that can be added to a Binder - Slides and Briefs.


The link in the toast message when 1.x content is opened was replaced with the correct, public link to the Help Center.

The notification component in Blackburn was updated to the newer v2 Vuetify-based one in order to decrease the package size and, thereby, improve speed.

Instead of showing the “Oops, something went wrong” screen and crashing the application, we now display error messages that explain in more detail what went wrong in case of a failed action.

Forms & Configurations

Updates to the form fields were implemented based on user permissions. When the Binder ‘edit’ permission is turned off, it is no longer possible to add a document to a Binder as part of the creation and/or duplication form.

It is now possible to configure whether orphaned Slides should be allowed on a client environment or not. This is configured in Vault, however we made some adjustments so that the “Remove from Binder” button is now hidden for Slides that exist in a Binder if orphaned Slides are disallowed on the client environment.

Veeva Vault

An additional metadata tag was added to Vault in order to display the environment that the content was published from.

We added an additional meta tag to the default template of Slide documents so that these are now displayed without the browser bar at the top when opened on full screen on an iPad.

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