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Release 2.3.0

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Release 2.2.3

Patch Releases within this Minor cycle

Activator v2.3.0 is a major version release of Activator that includes bug fixes, new features and improvements all around the system.

What’s new in 2.3.0

Shared Resource 

We changed the naming from "Shared Resource" to "Design System" throughout Activator and these Release Notes in anticipation of the release of the updated Design System functionality that will be released in Q1 2023.  

The label DESIGN SYSTEM indicates that the change is done in the Design System (Shared Resource), which requires the Design System (Shared Resource) to be upgraded.

Working with legacy documents  

It is now possible for Editors to open e-mails created in Activator version 1.x in the v2 Editor. When opening the 1.x e-mail, a 2.x Design System will have to be selected and a pop up will ask the user to confirm the update of outdated e-mail elements and properties. Once confirmed, the e-mail can be opened and edited in the v2 Editor. It will then be converted into a layout structure which means that the user can reorder existing or create new layouts. Saved layouts will be useable for modular content and MLR. 

Editors can now change and set (2.x) Design System relations for 1.x e-mails and are able to edit buttons, texts, and images.  

It is also possible to duplicate 1.x. e-mails without a Design system relation. The user can add relations to an existing (2.x) Design System during the duplication process.  

MLR Review  

To make the MLR Report more suitable for reviewers, a full visual preview of all contents (same as Vault Report PDF) has been included in the PDF and added before the actual MLR view. It is followed by another new page – an overview page displaying all layouts and attached modular content. The Preview report PDF (Vault Report) is now the very first page when the MLR Report PDF is created. However, this is configurable and can be turned OFF. In that case, the very first page would be the MLR overview of all layouts. 

 Links to claims, references, content modules as well as asset labels in the MLR PDF and MLR View are now clickable and lead the user to the corresponding item in Veeva Vault.  

PDF optimisation  

PDFs are compressed to an optimal file size upon generation without compromising on quality.  

User Permissions 

To improve document control, a user permission to view or edit a specific document in Vault now also allows the user to access that specific document in Activator. Groups and users that do not have the right access permissions in Vault will no longer be able to view or edit documents in Activator. The user will be informed that access to the document was declined due to users’ permissions set in Vault.  



Element frames and names are now displayed to easily identify what the user is working on. Layouts are outlined with a purple line and the corresponding name tag. Single components are outlined in blue displaying the component name. Additionally, to avoid deleting the wrong element, the name of the element has been added to the confirmation pop up upon deletion.  

To improve navigation between elements, a back button has been added in the left side-panel to easily navigate back to parent elements. 



To simplify editing tables, newly added rows and columns are now added with the same measurements as already existing ones.  

 Additional background-position properties have been added to support new keyword options: 

  • background-position-x: left, centre, right 

  • background-position-y: top, centre, bottom 

These keyword options have been added as a dropdown in addition to the px and % unit types.  

It is now possible to add negative input in position properties. It is no longer possible to add negative input in size properties.  

The user can now further adjust the distribution of child-items within a container. Additional properties include:  

  • stretch: lines stretch to fill the container 

  • space-evenly: items are distributed so that the spacing between any two items (and the space to the edges) is equal 

  • space-between: items are evenly distributed; the first item is at the start line of the container while the last item is at the end line 

Email Fragments

When opening an e-mail fragment, the Fragment tab in the left side-panel is now hidden to avoid adding additional e-mail fragments inside e-mail fragments.  

Layout Thumbnails

To prevent getting outdated thumbnails for Layouts due to the generate thumbnail service running after publishing, we are now loading the thumbnail from the S3 preview bucket and included a fallback dummy thumbnail informing the user that the real thumbnail is being rendered. 


An Editor is now able to convert an e-mail layout to an e-mail fragment. The fragment will appear in the left side-panel under the Fragment tab and can be added and removed from the document.  

The Editing of list items when creating a Brief has been improved. The user can now add more fields by adding, deleting, hiding or unhiding list items via the right side-panel. 


It is no longer possible to delete notes created by another user.  


We have updated all pop-ups to the new design.

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