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Release 2.4.3

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Release 2.4.2

Activator v2.4.3 is a maintenance version release of the product that includes bug fixes all around the system.

In addition, we are thrilled to introduce a significant enhancement that improves performance and efficiency throughout the system.

The key highlight of this release is the implementation of an advanced caching layer between Activator and Veeva Vault. This implicit caching layer optimizes data retrieval by storing frequently accessed information, reducing the need for repeated requests to the backend systems. By introducing caching with time-to-live (TTL) values, we have achieved optimal caching behavior for different types of data.

To ensure quick access to frequently requested data, most GET endpoints now utilize caching with specific TTL values. Document and binder endpoints have been assigned a short TTL of 5 minutes, while endpoints fetching picklists and document metadata have a longer TTL of 7 days. These carefully chosen TTL values accelerate response times and reduce the load on the backend system, resulting in a faster and more efficient user experience.

Furthermore, we have implemented real-time data updates to guarantee the delivery of the most up-to-date information. Whenever a document, binder, or relation is added or updated through the Activator interface, all related cached data is immediately invalidated. This ensures that Activator always serves the most accurate and recent data to users.

To maintain optimal performance and efficiency, our system includes an intelligent cache management mechanism. If data remains unchanged within the cache for a week, it is automatically removed, ensuring that resources are utilized effectively and outdated information is not stored unnecessarily.

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