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Editing Brief Content with Layouts

Editing content on your Brief

If you want to edit the content of your Brief, you will need to open it in Activator. This will take you to the Brief Editor view.

If you do not have any content for your Brief yet, you will need to import the layouts that you want to utilize on your Brief. You can do so from the left hand hand pane under 'Content Layouts'. Just drag and drop the layout of your choosing onto the Brief to start using it.

If you need to have a new layout added to use in the Brief Editor, you need to design a layout in the Designer view. You can read more about the Activator Designer view here: Activator Content Designer

Once your layout has been added to the Brief, you can start editing its contents. Do so by clicking on the layout that you want to edit. This will select the layout and present you with two additional buttons in the top right corner of the layout - one button to edit the layout and one to remove the layout from the Brief.

Click on the pen icon to edit the content of the layout. You can achieve the same by double-clicking your mouse on the layout that you want to edit.

From there you can double-click on a text element to edit it, or hover over an image element to reveal the ‘Replace’ button that allows you to replace the current image with another image from the Media library.

Not seeing your media asset? Learn how to add new images and other assets to your Media Library:

Media Assets and the Media Library

Hiding layout elements from view

When editing layouts, the contents of the chosen layout are broken down in the right hand pane under ‘Fields’.

You can toggle the individual components on and off and thereby hiding them from the Brief by removing and adding the checkmark in front of them.

Be aware that certain elements of a layout might be mandatory to use. They can therefore not be hidden from view and are therefore lacking the checkmark.

Rearranging multiple layouts on your Brief

If you want to rearrange the order of the layouts in your Brief, you can do so by hovering over any layout on the Brief. This should reveal a handle that you can drag with your mouse.

Simply drag the layout to the position that you want it to be in. Make sure that you are not currently editing a layout or the handle will not show. You can tell if your are currently editing a layout by the ‘editing’ tag next to the layout name on your Brief.

Double click outside of the layout area to exit editing or reload the page in your browser.

Accessing layout settings

When in the Brief Editor view, select the layout that you want to access settings for by clicking on it. You can access the settings for the layout either by clicking the name of the layout or by navigating to the ‘Settings’ on the right hand pane.

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