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Release 2.1.0

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Release 2.0.0

Patch Releases within this Minor cycle

Activator v2.1.0 is a minor version release of the product that includes bug fixes, new features and improvements all around the system.

The label SHARED RESOURCE indicates that the change is done in the Shared Resource, which requires the Shared Resource to be upgraded.

New Features

Shared Resource to work with OCE


When enabled in the environment configuration, the platform now supports Orchestrated Customer Engagement (OCE). It is possible for the documents to use and export information based on this standard. On Binders, the exports can be set to include mono or multisequence slide builds.

Label for Designer/Editor

In order to have a clear view on where the user is working on, a new label is shown at the bottom left of the document to inform the user if currently working in the Editor or Designer mode.

Manage Copied elements

New features allowing to reuse copied elements in the same or other documents. In the Designer, user can now copy any element or component in a document, this will be added to a queue of copied elements that will be available across the same document type and same SR. User then can select those same elements and paste them in other documents.


For Slides and Briefs, new properties were added to the Image component, so user can set a hyperlink and its target (opened in same window or in a new) for when the image is clicked.

Emails already had this possibility.

Image/Button Properties exposed in Editor


Editor is now getting a way to change specific properties for the Image and Button components.

When in a Layout, it is possible to change the Alt text and Hyperlink settings of an Image, plus the Hyperlink and Anchor links for Buttons.

Translate documents

New Translate functionality for all document types. It is now possible to translate all text fields in a document while seeing the original document in the same view.

Add Users to document

It is possible now to give “Vault Editor” permissions to different users directly from Activator. This option is found under the Share function for each document. This way the user can share the document with another Vault user.


Note mode

While working with Notes, Activator has a new and improved Note mode when working with any document type. Some fixes are included as part of this improved Note mode.

Padding properties for Group Container


Added new padding properties for the Group container component.

Editor - switch out from edit mode

When in Editor, we have the default Layout mode where user can reorder, add/edit/delete Layouts. Once Editing has been switched on, there will be a new frame on the Layout that can be clicked to close the edit mode and switch back to the Layout mode. This is additional to using the ESC key in keyboard.

Disable MLR mode when no layouts

The MLR mode will now be disabled when the document does not include any layouts, as the MLR works only with layouts and assigned modular content to their fields.

Assignation of SR to Binder

It is now possible to assign a SR with different metadata to a Binder, and still keep the same metadata of the Binder. Meaning, a Binder with product “X”, can have a SR that has product “Y”.

Modular Content labels

When using and previewing Modular Content, Activator will now show the Label field from Vault as the title for that Modular content. In case the Label is empty, it will show the Asset Type as before.

Email OCE Rich Text Input

When OCE is enabled in the environment, the Text Toolbox will show a new icon called “OCE Rich Text Input” which will wrap the selected text in this HTML class.

Publish performance improvement

All document types got a new publish process which improves the time it takes to fully publish the document to Vault.

QR and Veeva preview

QR code and its preview have been improved. Now opening in a new window with the ability to be responsive.
For emails, the compiled HTML version is being created which allow a more accurate preview.

Order of property groups in Designer


The property groups of each component have been reorder for easier access. Order is now based on which are the properties that are most likely to be used by users.

Designer gets the option to work with fields

The Editor Field panel functionality was ported into the Designer. So a Designer can work with fields and content modules the same way as it is done in Editor mode.

This also allow to Hide / Unhide the fields in Designer mode.

Source code page with UI revamped

For advance users, there is a revamped Source code page (/source) that can be used to modify the documents directly in code.

Binder search bar

Included a search bar in Binder view when adding new documents to a binder, so it is easier to find any document in the system.

Notification messages UI improvement

The notification messages that user gets in system got a new UI and icons.

Email Tokens search and grouped

When using tokens in the Email Editor / Designer, it is now possible to create groupings and labels for each token. This is done in the Client configuration JSON file.

The tokens can now be searched by label, group or name.

By default, Activator has one group of Veeva tokens that can be used, and any other groups and tokens will need to be changed in the JSON file as needed.

Saving layouts with special characters is not allowed

When saving a new layout, Activator is now preventing the usage of some special characters due to a restriction on the Amazon Web Services (AWS). Thus it is not possible to save a layout with these and have it correctly working.

The save popup will now give a message to the user and prevent the save.

Characters that aren’t allowed

\, /, :, *, ?, ", <, >, |

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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