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Designing new Slides & Briefs

The process of designing new Slides and Briefs in Activator is very much tied to the concept of Layouts.

When designing Slides and Briefs in Activator it is important to note the difference between the two, as this affects the design of the content.




  • Interactive sales aids also known as eDetailers. Built by combining multiple Slides into a presentation, much as you would in Powerpoint.


  • Landing Pages or other Web content

  • Social Media posts

  • Brochures or leave-behinds

  • Digital advertising

  • Storyboarding

End-device: Veeva CRM application on iPad

End-device: Any end-device screen, desktop, personal mobile devices

Direction: Rectangular, one-page storytelling with navigational elements between slides.

Direction: Often vertical storytelling

Read more about SlidesActivator Slides and Binders Introduction

Read more about briefs Activator Briefs Introduction

Visual representation of the difference between the two types of content:

Slides are intended to be viewed on the Veeva CRM application for iPad, but can be previewed on any device.

Example of a Briefing Template for building a Landing Page.

To get more information on how a Content Designer can create content, go to following article: Creating & Editing Layouts

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