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Upgrade matrix

This upgrade matrix should serve as a starting point when wanting to get a highlight overview of the releases.


Release notes


Release notes


  • Document Locking

  • Document Draft State Expiration

  • Design System Publishing

  • Media Management Improvements

  • Modular Content Enhancements

  • Check for Unused Assets and Content Modules

  • MLR Report Destination

  • Improved Document Search Performance

  • Implemented caching layer to optimize traffic.

  • Added a default white color option in the Color Picker tool for enhanced design flexibility.

  • Improved confirmation prompts when updating ZIP packages in the Design System.

  • Enhanced the Layout saving process by displaying the selected field name in the 'Save Layout' pop-up.

  • Reorganized the tab structure in the Editor for a consistent user experience.

  • Restructured the upload functionality to prevent errors and allow single ZIP file uploads.

  • Implemented a feature that automatically saves changes before defocusing an active element.

  • Removed unnecessary modals to avoid interruptions during document editing.

  • Triggered the 'Add additional information' wizard when opening a new Binder in Activator.

  • Enabled users to create relations to the Design System when duplicating Slides or Briefs.

  • Improved language and messaging for the email testing feature.

  • Updated the Compare and Translate interface for various screen sizes.

  • Enhanced anchor link input fields with borders for better usability.

  • Redesigned the 'Cancel' button in Activator pop-ups for a user-friendly experience.

  • Displayed text styles in their respective colors in MLR mode for accurate formatting.

Release notes


  • Renamed "Shared Resource" to "Design System."

  • Editors can now open and edit emails created in older versions.

  • Legacy emails are converted into a new layout structure.

  • Enhanced MLR Report with visual previews and clickable links to Vault items.

  • PDFs are compressed for optimal file size without quality loss.

  • Permissions in Vault control document access in Activator.

  • Various Designer improvements to element identification, navigation, table editing, background-options, Email Fragment handlling.

  • Improved thumbnail loading and display.

  • Added ability to convert Email Layouts to Email Fragments.

  • Updated pop-up design for a new look and feel.

Release notes


  • Shared Resource versions are pushed to Vault automatically when created or republished.

  • Background images can now be added to Row components in Email documents.

  • Custom HTML code, like address tokens, can be added in the Email Designer.

  • Text direction can now be set at the document level.

  • Filtering by Status and searching for "CDN assets only" is possible.

  • A "Digital Publishing" checkbox is added when uploading media files.

  • New download notification informs users about file generation.

  • "Publish" button indicates unpublished changes.

  • Added the ability to configure Width and Height in the Style tab for Slide Fragments.

  • Displayed Grid column settings in their own section in the Layout group in the Style tab for better visibility.

  • Updated the wording of group names and items in the Style tab of the List component to make them more generic and reusable for other components.

  • Interactions panel available for Slide and Brief documents.

  • Changed the label from "Clear" to "Detach" for removing Modular Content from a Field. The action remains the same.

  • Unified processes for generating and applying Excel and xliff translation files.

  • Configuration to allow/disallow orphaned Slides.

  • Additional metadata tag added to display content's publishing environment.

Release notes


  • Activator now supports Orchestrated Customer Engagement (OCE) for document use and export.

  • A label at the bottom of the document indicates whether the user is in Editor or Designer mode.

  • Users can now copy and paste elements between documents of the same type and Shared Resource.

  • Image components in Slides and Briefs can have hyperlinks and target settings.

  • Editors can modify specific properties for Image and Button components within layouts.

  • A translation feature allows users to translate text fields within documents.

  • Users can grant "Vault Editor" permissions to others directly from Activator.

  • Default design styles for Email components can be defined.

  • A test-send feature allows users to preview how Emails will render in different mail clients.

  • Shared Resource (SR) for Emails can be changed in document properties (Settings modal).

  • Navigational breadcrumbs now include the Binder containing open documents.

  • Designers can use additional position units (vh and vw) in addition to pixels and percentages.

  • Users can show/hide components based on the device being used.

  • Unpublished changes in the Designer can be discarded.

  • Local assets can be added directly to Vault from the Media panel.

  • User roles and permissions can be defined, limiting access to specific features.

  • A notification center gathers system notifications for user review.

  • SR metadata can be assigned to Binders while retaining Binder metadata.

  • QR codes and Veeva previews have been enhanced.

  • A source code page (/source) is revamped for advanced users.

  • Dashboard improvements include filters and better search capabilities.

  • "Publish" button in Editor/Designer is disabled when no changes are made.

  • Background images can be added to row containers in Email documents.

  • Exporting the source code of a Shared Resource as a .zip file is possible.

  • Users can now add CSS classes to elements in the Designer.

  • Grid components receive new properties dependent on viewport settings.

  • Handling of older 1.x contents is improved with prevention of new 1.x content creation, redirection from Editor to Designer, and other adjustments.

Release notes



Release notes

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